Caroline Beach is a German based, Texas born choreographer, performance artist and occasional musician who is best described as a cartoon artist working in the wrong medium. She has made work for a multitude of spaces including theaters, galleries, off-spaces, the Internet, and most recently, a media storage closet. Her work is not at the intersection of anything but rather looks at practicing meaning-making in the contested space between the arbitrary and the profund, the living and the living dead. She is interested in technology as human, the politics of nonsense, internet horror micro-genres, dance as dissociation as activation, and synthesis through pop logic. For the past several years she has been exploring making work through the Sailor, who is more of a human-algorithmic processor entangled in the politics of desire and who does not actually posess a boat.
Untitled Shipwrecks 8-99
ongoing work // speculative archiving of performance and media fragments


„Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.“
SONDERANGEBOT was a series of performances for a spaces that included a boat, a church, a radio show, and the internet. It took the material of an existing artistic work, SAILOR ON AISLE 5, and imprinted this work onto different surfaces. This spwaning of the material and corrosion of informations produced distinct instances in which that were embedded in each other. Supported by NPN Stepping Out, Studio DB Berlin, Hosek Contemporary Gallery, Herrfurthplatz Kirche, Monsters Believers, Cashmere Radio, and C. Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary Arts Dresden.
In collaboration with the performers Jossia Clement, Laura Morales Davila, Valerie Ebuwa, Joseph Hernandez, Christian Novopavlovski, and Steph Quinci.
Stage and Costume by Lisa Rüger and Amelie Sabbagh.
Video Art by Lucie Freynhagen.
Production and Artistic Assistance by Ana Dordevic.
Photos by Ilia Osokin and Simon Findlay.

In collaboration with the performers Jossia Clement, Laura Morales Davila, Valerie Ebuwa, Joseph Hernandez, and Steph Quinci. All texts performed in the piece authored by the performers themselves.
Stage and Costume Design: Amelie Sabbagh + Lisa Rüger
Video Art: Lucie Freynhagen
Film and Edit: Ian Whalen
Artistic Assistance: Ana Dordevic
Concept, Choreography, Music: Caroline Beach
A production by Caroline Beach in coproduction with TANZPAKT Dresden.
Under the patronage of the City of Dresden, Office for Culture and Monument Protection, the association Villa Wigman für TANZ and HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts cooperate in “TANZPAKT Dresden”.
Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts*, and the City of Dresden.
*This measure is co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.

does sailor dream of electric dolphins?
videowork for the Technische Sammlung Ausstellung ‘Mind over Matter’ January 2021
​Filmed at the Technische Sammlung Dresden and the C. Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary Arts. Concept, direction, film, sound, and editing by Caroline Beach. In collaboration with the performers Christian Novopavlovski, Casey Ouzounis, Markus Stein, Augusta Vickunaite, and Lucie Freynhagen.

Sailor_Log: the third ocean
Sailor_Log: the Third Ocean was a collaboration between Caroline Beach and the artist Ernst Markus Stein. They went sailing and researching together in Ljubljana, Slovenia in a residency coordinated and made possible by En-Knap Dance Group, Hellerau Europäische Zentrum der Künste Dresden, and Tanzpakt Dresden. They were influenced by the people they met in Ljubljana, the history of the country, the architecture that they said hello to on their walk to the studio, and the way that ‘thank you’ rhymes with Koala in Slovenian. Their research has focused on finding the overlaps and distances in their respective fields, building bridges through old mediums and writing new languages that are better than compromises.
Host Body Cabaret: a pop-up performance
was a Pop-up performance. Supported by the TanzNetzDresden. And the C. Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary arts. Hosted by hi-jacked bodies on the edge of biological separatism. Temporary alliances formed by giving high-fives to low frequencies. Performing body drag for an audience of poetic napkins. Wipe off your humanity and reclaim your fish spine. Fish nets are free radicals and even the orchestra is beautiful. At any given moment the threat of an outbreak of song dance or botulism looms large. Hybrid sensations seduce with a slow stripping of binary definitions. Prosthetics. Prophetics. And all that jazz.

AnnieQuinn was a multi-disciplinary performance series developed by Caroline Beach and Ian Whalen in collaboration with the artists.

OPOTFOTF: a sensational soap opera musical
was a collaboration between the choreographers and performers Caroline Beach, Susan Schubert, and Magdalena Weniger exploring hyper-normalization, absurdity, performed songs, and melodrama.